CHECK OUT OUR P.S.A.s at the bottom of the page!
A magnificent coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, located in the front yards at 8209 and 8213 Norton Avenue in West Hollywood, has been approved on July 13, 2016, by the City of West Hollywood Heritage Tree Committee as a Private Heritage Tree!
The property owner who put this beautiful tree forward for consideration, was made aware of the Heritage Tree program after inquiring with the city about tree pruning ordinances. He believes it is 75 years old, and was planted by his grandfather around 1910. As per the requirements of the Heritage Tree program, confirmed by Carlberg Associates, consulting horticulturists, this oak is representative of the landscaping of that historical era, is of excellent health, and has been properly maintained, and is “distinctive in size, beauty, structure and age.” The tree is also present on the Southern California Native Tree List.
WHTPS is a partner with the city in identifying and approving Heritage Trees. Vice President Geoffrey Buck, a member of the Heritage Tree Committee, and President Nick Maiorino, were present at the Heritage Tree Committee Special Meeting where the tree was approved. We are proud of our ongoing participation in the Heritage Tree program.
There are many advantages to property owners of Heritage Tree designation for their significant trees. We hope that this new addition, along with our own ongoing efforts to bring worthy trees forward for consideration, will spur more civic minded people to nominate their important trees. WHTPS recognizes the many contribution of trees to community welfare, including to the regional environment, the positive economic impacts, and emotional benefits to all of us.

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This latest heritage tree joins these other wonderful trees on the city’s Heritage Tree list:

947 North Harper Avenue
Ficus Mysorensis

7512 Hampton Avenue
Jacaranda Mimosifolia

1007 N. Sierra Bonita Avenue
Cedrus Deodara (2 trees)

1000 Kings Road
Holly Oak
Check out our GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS page for both local, regional & global articles on environmental issues.(More articles can be found on our Facebook page.)
Save Our Water and Our Trees
Although we all agree on the need to save water in this time of drought, our urban trees still need watering, or they will die. They take decades to grow, and provide an immense range of environmental, economic, health and energy-saving benefits.
For more information go to: saveourwater.com/trees
Thank you, WHTPS

How to save your trees
Lawn trees can and must be saved during the drought. What you can do:
Deeply and slowly water mature trees 1 – 2 times per month with a simple soaker hose or drip system toward the edge of the tree canopy – NOT at the base of the tree. Use a Hose Faucet Timer (found at hardware stores) to prevent overwatering.
Young trees need 5 gallons of water 2 – 4 times per week. Create a small watering basin with a berm of dirt.
Shower with a bucket and use that water for your trees as long as it is free of non-biodegradable soaps or shampoos.
Do not over-prune trees during drought. Too much pruning and drought both stress your trees.
Mulch, Mulch, MULCH! 4 – 6 inches of mulch helps retain moisture, reducing water needs and protecting your trees.

Watering basin for young trees

Mature tree with soaker hose, on dead grass
If you see any tree pruning of public street trees occurring in the evening hours or the weekend, please call the city of West Hollywood at (323) 848 - 6375 or call the sheriff's department at (310) 855 - 8850
Thank you for your help, WHTPS
THE WEST HOLLYWOOD TREE PRESERVATION SOCIETY is an organization committed to promoting public awareness and understanding through education, of the value of the urban forest. Our aim is to challenge our city and other cities in the Los Angeles basin to reassess the value of urban trees and how important they are in our daily lives. We believe cities need to allot more of their resources to maintaining their existing trees, while continuing to plant more trees and create more green space.
Our long-term commitment to the urban forest is to see that all our cities in the Los Angeles basin have good, protective legislation for trees & green space that pays special attention to heritage/landmark and native trees.
Heritage Tree Designation and Protection
Public tree Maintenance and Protection
Education Outreach
Urban Forest Help Desk
Boeing Employees Fund of California
The Afriat Consulting Group
West Hollywood Concerned Citizens, Inc.
Pacific Design Center
Boeing Employees Fund of California Grants
California ReLeaf Capacity-Building Grant
Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter, Urban Forest Grant
California ReLeaf Capacity-Building Grant
National Tree Trust PEP Grant
City of West Hollywood Environmentalist of the Year
Darrell Maugh Award from the State of Calif. Department of Forestry
Nominated for the Governor's Economic and Environmental State Award
California ReLEAF
California Urban Forest Council
Street Tree Seminar,Inv. Southern California
Protect Plummer Park
West Hollywood Preservation Alliance
View our P.S.A.s, which explain why urban trees are important!